Celebrating Advent - Week 3

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Jesus is Preparing a Place

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.
— John 14:3

If you are a Christian that has placed your sincere faith in Jesus and committed your life to follow Him, then you have hope. A hope only those who have made the same decision have. It's a hope that one day Jesus will return and take us with Him to a new place. A place far from sin, pain, sorrow, and disappointment. A place He is preparing even now.

Over the last two weeks, we've explored passages in the Bible that told of Christ's coming thousands of years ago. In the next two weeks, as we celebrate Advent, we will be looking at the coming of Christ yet to take place. His Second Coming.

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I won't be deeply theological because the heart of this series is to illuminate a light on what Christmas truly is about and stir anticipation in your heart for what Christ has done, is doing, and has yet to do.

When Christ gave up his life for you and me and returned to Heaven, he began to prepare a place for us. Our home. Because you see, although we may find temporary comfort on Earth, this isn't our home. Our home is with God—free from all that is unlovely and full of a life more beautiful than we could ever imagine.

Today, we look forward to that time when Christ returns and gathers His people to return with Him. And we have this confidence that He will indeed return; His promises are not empty. He will fulfill what He has said He will do. To come and get you and me.

Take heart that Christ is coming again! This season we celebrate His first coming, but we also get to look forward to another coming. Will you join me in anticipation of this wondrous event?